Building community is to the collective as spiritual practice is to the individual.
~ Grace Lee Boggs
Black Souls
The Black Souls gathers church congregants who identify as African-American, Afro-Caribbean, or Black to create fellowship, develop new relationships, support each other, and discuss the issues important to us in a safe environment.
We desire to create a space where our Black brothers, sisters, and friends feel safe to talk about our feelings regarding social justice, racism, and various forms of systemic oppressions, including our experiences within our own faith.
Caring Cards
Hand-messaged cards are a way to let All Souls congregants and friends know that fellow congregants are thinking of them and sharing in their joys, sorrows, or difficulties. Volunteers make this card ministry happen every week. We send condolences to those grieving, birthday wishes, healing prayers to those dealing with illness or injury, congratulations on a life achievement, and other reasons as varied as congregants’ lives. When we are back in the building, we want and need a few more volunteers to give an hour at the Caring Card Table on Sundays after either service, whenever your schedule permits.
Gardening Team
We keep the All Souls flowers, trees, and plants thriving, blooming, healthy, and beautiful throughout the year. We care for the Courtyard, South and Front Lawns, Harvard St Garden, the Terrace, and the trees along 16th and Harvard Streets. We have jobs for all ages and experience to include planting, transplanting perennials, pruning shrubs and trees, mulching, weeding, watering, edging, maintenance, and more. It’s great exercise, fellowship, and good for anyone who comes to the church for any reason.
Annual Plant Sale
For more than 30 years, the Mother’s Day Plant Sale has brightened the church yards with greenery, and supported green growth and member gardens, while raising money for All Souls.
The congregation is encourage to raise plants during the spring for donation to the sale, which will be held on Mother’s Day. This is an intergenerational activity, great for all ages and all abilities!
Rainbow Souls
The Rainbow Souls welcomes all folx who identify outside of ‘traditional’ gender identity and/or sexuality (GLBTQIA+, nonbinary, etc). We are committed to creating a safe, welcoming church environment and community that engages all who enter our doors and/or engage with the All Souls community. We strive to build a Beloved Community that incorporates all eight UU principles where people are free to openly be their authentic selves. We honor the fullness and complexity of identity as it exists in the intersections of oppressions and discrimination.
Right Relations
The Committee on Right Relations works to ensure the healthy relationships between members of the congregation.
Young Souls
Ages 18-35~ish
A welcoming community for those ages 18-35ish, we help members build connections and friendships, pursue spiritual growth, and engage in social justice and community service. Activities include potlucks and brunches, book group, happy hours, fall retreat, and other opportunities for fellowship and service. Members support and respect each other’s individual search for truth and meaning, and actively cultivate a diverse membership from all backgrounds.
Souls In The Center
Ages 35+
The Souls In The Center are just that: a social group of age mates in the ‘middle’ of life! We provide social and service opportunities for All Souls members and friends who are in their 30s to 50s, or beyond! The SITC have had an extensive calendar of events throughout the year including internal and external volunteerism days, outdoor activities from biking, hiking, and more, to indoor events such as museum visits, happy hours, game nights, brunches, potlucks, worship, and more! If you’re looking to connect, reach out!
Silver Souls
Ages 50+
We provide a voice for the concerns and well-being of the senior members of All Souls. We offer educational programs on the issues of aging, and sponsor several
intergenerational, social fundraising activities such as the Crab Fest and the Annual High Tea. We are keenly interested in telling the church’s history. The Silver Souls have supported several history projects and restorations, and other projects of historical significance.