All Souls' Mission and Goals

What is our mission?

To create a diverse, spirit-growing, justice-seeking, Beloved Community that transforms ourselves and our world into one great family of all souls.

What are our church’s goals?

Church goals are nested within the larger mission, and they describe what we will work towards during the next five or so years. During those years, they center our promises to each other, our programs, our staffing, and our budget.

The people of All Souls church will use our time, talent, and treasure to:

  1. Become a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-generational spiritual community that is grounded in authentic relationships, trust, and belonging.
  2. Welcome all people of good will with radical hospitality and inclusion.
  3. Deepen our spiritual lives through learning and creative expression.
  4. Act accountably to dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.
  5. Connect with each other and our neighbors in new ways and in a well-maintained historic building.
  6. Serve the needs of those in our city in partnership with local organizations.
  7. Love and care for one another across the lifespan in times of joy, sorrow, and transition.