Get into “Good Trouble” with Reeb Voting Rights Project
We need you – the hundreds of members and friends of All Souls, who have powered us since 2014 – to mobilize and equip voters with the information they need to ensure their votes count and their voices are heard.
Join us as we work in solidarity with other UU congregations and community partner organizations that center the leadership of people of color, work in communities with historically low voter participation, and advocate for changes to oppressive voting laws.
Our 5th UU Principle, “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large,” compels us to advocate for a healthy inclusive democratic process.
Looking to get Involved?
Sign up at the Reeb Action Center – Defend D.C. & advocate for D.C. Statehood.
Turn your commitment to Democracy into collective action.
Have you taken the 2024 All Souls

Latest Actions
2024 All Souls Democracy Challenge: Reeb Project Action Center
The November elections – the most important in our lifetime – are approaching fast. We are asking everyone to join in the work of living our shared values and helping to get out the vote. Sign up today!
DC Statehood
Sign the Petition & Contact your Legislators
The 686,995 people of Washington, D.C. do not have the same rights as Americans living in the 50 states. They lack full voting representation in the U.S. Congress and are subject to Congressional interference in their local government. As citizens, D.C. residents deserve the same rights as all Americans. Don’t just take our word for it. Read testimony from UU activist and DC resident Anne Anderson.
The Reeb Project for Voting Rights is renewing a call for assistance from Unitarian Universalists nationwide to empower D.C. toward self-governance and establish full voting rights for all residents. Our shared UU value of Justice states: “We covenant to dismantle racism and all forms of systemic oppression. We support the use of inclusive democratic processes to make decisions within our congregations, our Association, and society at large.”
Call to Action: The most important thing you can do is persuade friends & family in the 50 States to sign this petition and contact their Legislators in Congress about DC Statehood in support of the bills H. 51 and S.51 that we hope will be submitted in 2025.
Join the Leadership Team

We have general organizing meetings every other Wednesday to build our beloved community and organize our efforts to support voting rights, assist voter registration, and get out the vote for critical primaries and elections at the local, State, and Federal level. All are welcome at all meetings. We are united through love in action.
Send us an email at ReebVotingRights@allsouls.ws and we can tell you more about what we are doing and how you might get involved. We are looking for postcard writers, callers, texters, data crunchers, leaders, and organizers to help us build another world.
You can also sign up for our mailing list.

The Reeb Project for Voting Rights is named in honor of former All Souls associate minister James Reeb – beaten to death in 1965 when he went to Selma, Alabama, to march for voting rights. The project has four goals:
- Building a beloved community dedicated to ensuring equal representation in the democratic process that reflects the inherent worth and dignity of every human being.
- Engaging in targeted efforts to mobilize voter turnout in historically marginalized constituencies by working in solidarity with grassroots partners that center the leadership of BIPOC communities and other underrepresented groups (LIGBTIQ+, disability, migrants etc.).
- Conducting ongoing public education and awareness campaigns focused on voter suppression, disenfranchisement of DC residents, and the rights of the formerly incarcerated, and work in the service of impacted communities to develop remedies to these human rights violations.
- Integrating an intentional racial and intersectional justice lens across all our voter mobilization efforts from the very outset to ensure racial, gender, and social equity.
Since our launch in 2013 (at the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington), we have called, sent postcards, texted, met, and mobilized thousands of voters in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and Arizona. We provide voters with helpful, non-partisan information about registering to vote and exercising their right to vote. We have also supported DC Statehood and national voting rights legislation.
We do this work in solidarity with other UU congregations and community partner organizations that center the leadership of people of color, such as Reclaim Our Vote, Center for Common Ground, Side with Love Action Center, New Virginia Majority, and Washington Interfaith Network.