Adult Spiritual Development

Join us on a lifelong journey to deepen our connections to the sacred.

Very early, I knew that the only object in life was to grow.
Margaret Fuller

Adult Spiritual Development:
Fall 2022

We can’t wait to share our upcoming offerings for this church year! Until then, watch our new video talking about what you can look forward to. Check back soon!

Upcoming Classes and Events

Ongoing Groups and Events

Philosophical Souls

Honoring Socrates’ belief in the rewards of the examined life and the Unitarian Universalist commitment to a “free and responsible search for truth and meaning,” Philosophical Souls holds monthly discussions that tackle big questions in small settings. To participate, you only need what is available to us all—an open and inquiring mind. Join us for one gathering or many! No need to register. Contact John or Sara.

Individual Exploration

For those seeking insights and fresh perspectives on questions of individual interest or concern, we offer two opportunities. (Please note: These offerings are not meant for those seeking pastoral, medical, or mental health care, or those experiencing acute personal crisis.)