Diverse and Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM), a UU People of Color Ministry and anti-racist collective. They bring laypeople and religious professionals together to overcome racism and transform Unitarian Universalism through our multicultural experiences.
In the Unitarian Universalist tradition, the members of a church own the building and everything in it and are responsible for providing financial support for all the operations and programs of the congregation.
So how do we—as an All Souls generation in the 21st century—use our resources in a way that honors our two centuries of history and secures our future?
Hope Rises
2024-25 Annual Fund and Capital Campaign
Support All Souls with a pledge to the 2024-25 annual fund and the capital campaign to fund much needed improvements on the building.
Online Giving
Click the icon
to make a one-time or recurring gift
from a credit card or bank account.
Text Giving*
Text "ascu" to 73256
and follow the directions
to make a one-time or recurring gift.
Collection Basket
Drop your gift in the basket on Sundays, or mail a check to 1500 Harvard St NW, Washington DC 20009.
Bank Payments
Set up monthly payments from your bank save the church from paying fees. Do this through your bank's online system.
Click here to make a donation to All Souls using PayPal.
Giving from an IRA
Learn more about tax deductible giving from your IRA Account.
Stock Donation
Submit this form if your gift will be made by stock donation.
Donor-Advised Fund
A DAF is a simple, flexible, and tax-advantageous way to give to ASC. Learn more.
Legacy Giving
Make ASC a beneficiary
in your estate/will
to provide future financial support.
* Text Giving: Messages and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel. Privacy Policy – Terms of Service
Every year, our Annual Stewardship Campaign calls us to commit our personal resources to the ongoing work of this church:
- Sunday worship—music, sermons, and education that stirs and nourishes our souls;
- social justice programs such as voting rights work in North Carolina, raising awareness of the implications of climate change, and fair housing and immigrant rights in our own city;
- welcoming the congregation and community into our beautiful renovated building;
- employing a chief program officer to align our programs with our mission;
- staff that enables the work of the church, and the maintenance of our church home.
Our annual budget also includes support of the national and regional (Joseph Priestley District) UU offices, which provide important vision and programmatic and administrative support to all member churches.
All told, our annual budget is $1.5 million, of which 78% comes from our pledges.
While we can’t all pledge the same amount, we can ALL pledge SOMETHING to the church that nurtures and sustains us.
How much does All Souls mean to you? If you’re new to pledging or earn less than $10,000/year, why not start with 2%–3% of your income? As your commitment to the church grows, so can your pledge. Tithing, familiar to those from more traditional church backgrounds, calls for a full 10%. It is obviously your decision to make, but we hope you will live out your spiritual principles by giving generously. Feel free to use the Fair Share Guidelines, found at the bottom of this page.
Which fund do I select for my online gift?
If you’ve made a commitment (often called a pledge, or statement of intent) to All Souls, choose “Annual pledge gift” from the drop-down menu so that your gifts are applied to that pledge. Otherwise, choose “General contributions.” Gifts to both funds go to our general budget, which covers all costs the church incurs. “Lunch fee” is specifically for paying for our monthly congregational lunch; “Rental fee” is only for people paying the fee to rent space at the church.
What is the difference between a gift and a pledge?
Our financial gifts to All Souls make up the vast majority of the church’s annual revenue. Without our support, the church can’t function.
A pledge is simply a promise to make a gift; it is not the gift itself.
The reason the church asks for pledges is that they make it possible to plan next year’s budget. If we only gave gifts but didn’t state our pledges, the church couldn’t plan for the year ahead.
Pledges can be amended! If your circumstances change, simply contact Gary Penn at database(at)allsouls.wsto adjust your record.
How do I make my pledge?
You can fill out a paper pledge card, which is found in the pews and at the front desk, or online using the link at the top of this page.
How much should I commit?
That depends entirely on your unique personal circumstances, and we appreciate all gifts, large or small.
You’ll find a table of suggested giving guidelines below to help you make your decision.
When should I make my pledge?
Now!! Seriously, go do it. We’ll wait. The form is linked at the top of this page. Pledges can be made throughout the current fiscal year, and for the upcoming fiscal year. If you have questions, email Gary (database@allsouls.ws)
Can I confirm that my pledge has been submitted?
After submitting the online form, you should receive an automatic email sharing thanks from the Generosity Team and confirming that your commitment was received.
If you need additional confirmation of your commitment or amounts, please contact Gary Penn at database(at)allsouls.ws
How can I make gifts to fulfill my pledge?
You can make gifts throughout the year: quarterly, monthly, weekly, or all at once. It’s up to you. The church sends quarterly statements to let you know how much progress you’ve made towards fulfilling your commitment.
Gifts you put in the plate count towards your pledge only if you mark them, by making a note on a check or putting cash in a pew envelope with your name on it.
You can set up automatic bill pay through your own bank’s online system. The only information you need is the church’s name (All Souls Church Unitarian) and address (1500 Harvard St NW, Washington DC 20009). The church pays no fees on automatic payments from your bank (a great help, as the church currently pays about $25,000 in processing fees each year).
You can set up automatic payments using a credit card or bank account number through the church’s database system. The link is at the top of this page. The church does pay fees on these automatic payments (and is very happy to do so if this is the most convenient payment method for you). You’ll also have the option of covering those fees when you set up your gift.
How can I learn more specifics about the All Souls budget?
Creating the budget is a months-long process. There is a congregation-wide information session typically scheduled several weeks before the annual congregational meeting.
Do existing recurring gifts continue into the following year or do they need to be renewed?
If you set up automatic payments through your bank, they will probably continue until you stop them. Please confirm with your financial institution.
If you set up an automatic payment within the church’s system, you can check the status by logging in to your account or by contacting Gary Penn at database(at)allsouls.ws
But regardless, you do need to state a new commitment each year so the church knows what your intention is.