Contact forms for the groups listed below can be found here.
AAPI Souls
More than half of the world’s people can trace their ancestral roots to either Asia or Oceania. Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Souls strives to build a safe and sacred space among AAPI-identified individuals associated with All Souls.
We do this by:
• Supporting each other in our individual spiritual journeys;
• Celebrating our unique identities while recognizing and honoring the complexity that exists in our varied histories and cultures;
• Advocating for our communities’ unique needs within the congregation; and
• Supporting the congregation’s work in the areas of anti-racism and anti-oppression.
Black Souls
The Black Souls gathering is largely social. Black Souls is also a space where our Black-identifying congregants feel affirmed and safe to discuss our feelings regarding social justice including our experiences within our own faith. In its 20+ year history, gatherings have included cultural and Black history outings, monthly home- and church-based potlucks, Kwanzaa celebrations, and more.
Members of the Black Men’s Group are regular and welcome participants in Black Souls gatherings.
The current organizers are Judy Fisher, Morgan Duncan, and JoElle Laguerre.
The Black Men's Group @ All Souls
The Black Men’s Group @ All Souls provides a space of ongoing sanctuary and affirmation for Black men as we engage in the work of building the Beloved Community as it is espoused and practiced in the UU tradition both within and beyond All Souls Church. We are especially committed to increasing the visibility and connection of Black men at All Souls to each other.
We are as open as the doors of the church and representatives of the Unitarian Universalist faith that we profess.
While we are not a covenant group as defined under the bylaws of ASC, we are a “covenant-at-trust” aggregation of individuals who rest on foundations of trust, keepers of intimacies shared, with non-disclosures outside of our group. A “culture” has been established within and between ourselves. Under the framework we encourage others to seek to have adoption of that culture to be the price of entry. We welcome being intellectually and spiritually fertilized by “unknown unknowns” (others).
We meet every other Sunday after the first service (11:45am to 1:45pm)
Mindful Souls
Mindful Souls provides a space and time for people who are interested in mindfulness and mindfulness meditation. We meet weekly for a short meditation and conversation. All are welcome!
Each Sunday, Mindful Souls meets in-person at 12 pm noon in Classroom 2 downstairs.
In addition to the in-person meeting, on the first Sunday of each month, Mindful Souls also meets virtually through a Zoom session at noon. Click here for the Zoom link.
Or use the Meeting ID: 880 6009 6063 and passcode: 767497
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,88060096063#,,,,*767497# US (Washington DC)
• Dial-in number: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Please feel free to contact for more information.
Philosophical Souls
Honoring Socrates’ belief in the distinct rewards of the examined life, wise thinkers across traditions, and the UU covenant “to learn from one another in our free and responsible search for truth and meaning,” Philosophical Souls holds monthly discussions that tackle big questions in small settings. To participate, you need only what is available to us all—an open and inquiring mind. Join us for one gathering or many!
Contact (to RSVP or ask questions)
John Tambornino – john.tambornino(at)gmail(dot)com
Sara Frueh – sarafrueh(at)gmail(dot)com
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Rainbow Souls
Rainbow Souls is a group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, agender, and allies who are a part of the All Souls community.
We are committed to:
- Creating a safe, welcoming and engaging environment for LGBTQIA members, significant others, families, guests, and all who enter our doors or engage with All Souls in the community.
- Supporting issues of equity, equality and justice impacting LGBTQIA people within the congregation, the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, and nationally– especially those issues impacting the most marginalized.
- Strengthening the bonds of the Beloved Community within and beyond All Souls by hosting fun and educational events.
We are committed to building a community where people can be their full selves by recognizing and honoring the fullness and complexity of identity as it exists at the intersections of racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, ableism, classism and other oppressions.
Right now, we are working to reinvigorate and rebuild the LGBTQIA Souls group at All Souls. We’d love to hear from you, answer any questions, touch base on ideas, send you the details on upcoming meetings and get to know our All Souls Community! Contact:
Silver Souls
Silver Souls provides a voice for the concerns and wellbeing of senior members of All Souls and a vehicle to promote the Beloved Community, working for service, justice, and spiritual growth for us all. We offer educational programs on issues of aging: affordable housing, aging in place, and medical planning. In the past, we have sponsored fundraising concerts, the annual crab fest, and the annual afternoon tea, proceeds of which have all been contributed to All Souls Church. We explore spiritual growth workshops and book discussions on welcoming later life, adult spiritual development, and explorations on wisdom, legacy, and mortality. Our interest in the church’s history has been key to such projects as the ministerial history exhibition.
The Silver Souls is approaching the culmination of a five-year effort to celebrate the Rev. David Eaton’s life in the community and leadership of All Souls as our first African American senior minister from 1969 through 1992. We have been in the process of renovating the Eaton Room and creating the David Eaton Legacy Wall directly across from the Eaton Room. We anticipate dedicating the Eaton Room and Legacy Wall on April 2 and 3 of this 200th Anniversary year.
The Silver Souls is meeting on Zoom on third Wednesdays. You’ll find the login links on the homepage calendar. For more information, please contact Judy Smith Hogan (
Souls in the Center
Welcome to the Souls in the Center! Souls in the Center is a fellowship at All Souls that offers social and service opportunities to those aged 30-ish+ and up! Singles, couples, parents, gay or straight, with or without mortgage – all are welcome! We usually have a monthly potluck (Saturdays at different homes), a Nerd Day and a Happy Hour!
Please feel free to reach out to leadership at with suggestions! We would love to hear from you. See below on how to get our information.
To streamline communications, Souls in the Center will use the following to keep in touch with interested members:
- Google Groups distro. This will be the main outreach method. If you (or any friends!) are not on the list now, please click here to join. You do not need a Gmail account to join the Google group. After you are a member, you may email the entire group at for ad hoc events and other alerts.
- Facebook page. Please join us here. This can also continue to be used for ad hoc and monthly events, etc.
- Google Calendar. As a member of the Google Group, you may also track (and add) all events, both monthly and ad hoc, on the Souls in the Center Google Calendar. If you use Google Calendars, you may click this link to add the calendar. If you do not use Google Calendars, please bookmark this link to see what’s happening. If you are a member of the above Google Group, you should have permission to add events.
Young Souls
A welcoming community for those aged 18-35+, we help members build connections and friendships, pursue spiritual growth, and engage in social justice and community service. Our regular calendar includes a monthly potluck, post-service brunches, a book group, trivia nights, a fall retreat, and other opportunities for fellowship and service. Our members support and respect each other’s’ individual search for truth and meaning and we actively cultivate a diverse membership and welcome members from all backgrounds. Learn more here.
Young Souls produced a cookbook! Check out these delicious recipes that sustain mind, body, heart and spirit!
Covenant Groups
Covenant groups, comprising six to twelve participants who meet on a regular schedule, are safe spaces where everyone is heard and confidentiality is honored. Through simple practices of listening and speaking from the heart, participants share experiences and beliefs while fostering caring, friendship, spiritual growth, insight, and enjoyment. They deepen faith and help build beloved community. Find more information here.