Volunteer Opportunities

Get More Involved in the Life of All Souls

We Can't Do Church Without You

Volunteering is the act of a person, family, or group who freely offer their time and talents to an community, project, or task. Volunteering allows you to connect with your community and make it a better place, and volunteering is a two-way street: It can benefit you and your family as much as the cause you choose to help. It is also an excellent opportunity to make new friends, extend social networks, learn new skills or improve current skills, fulfill requirements for school or membership, while helping others in a variety of ways and building Beloved Community wherever you may be.

You may also consider volunteering with All Souls Church to be a spiritual practice; rooting you within the tree of life that is All Souls and helping you fulfill your spiritual needs and growth.

Whatever reasons prompt you to volunteer, we welcome you! There are a wide variety of opportunities available; in-person or virtual, one-off or recurring, large events or occasional needs. We have four categories that the majority of our opportunities fall into: Governance, Community Building, Social Justice, or Spiritual Practices. You are able to learn about most of our opportunities at a Find Your Ministry Fair, which is held twice a year around September and January, or here at our Virtual Ministry Fair, year-round.

Service activities take many shapes, faces, and all ages to build Beloved Community!

Ready to Find Your Ministry?

Would you like to learn more about our various ministries to see where you might fit the best as a volunteer? Visit our virtual Find Your Ministry Fair using the links below and watch videos from our lay leaders about their volunteerism and the church groups they lead! Select an area below to learn more.

Don't See What Your Looking For?

You took the time to look through all the offerings of All Souls and haven’t found the ministry that speaks deeply to you. There were some that are close, but not quite what you’re looking for. 

Please don’t be discouraged. Reach out to the church staff, and let us know what it is you are missing! We might be able to connect you to other members and congregants who have similar interests! If you have the energy and interest in building a new ministry, let us know! 

Need someone to help you get started?

Contact Lori Stone