When you think of our next ministerial leadership, do distinct images come to mind? Do you picture leaders of a particular gender, race, or age? Beyond Categorical Thinking is a highly recommended part of the search process for our congregation. In finding the leadership that would be the best match for our congregation, we could potentially let biases keep us from knowing that a particular leader would be the best match for us.
Credentialed ministers in our faith who are people of color, bisexual, gay, lesbian, female, transgender, differently abled, young, old, ethnically different, or of a different class often face discrimination as part of the ministerial search process. In our efforts to find the best match, our congregation will host a Beyond Categorical Thinking workshop on Saturday, February 18th. We will have a facilitator from the UUA Transitions Office meet with as many congregants as possible for a 4-hour workshop (with a break!), where we will have a chance to examine how we can avoid letting bias become a part of our search process.
This is yet another way for us to put our faith into lived experience and learn more about systemic discrimination in our culture. This opportunity also allows the entire congregation fuller participation in the search process. It will allow us to explore our hopes and concerns for new ministerial leadership, learn more about the search process, and see how our own history (both personal and congregational) might interfere with our efforts in this search.
Plan to join us online on Saturday, February 18, at 10 a.m. for the workshop. Break outs for small conversational groups and a lunch break will be part of the time block. A registration link will go up soon, so watch for it! If you have questions, contact your Ministerial Search Committee.