For articles related to volunteerism and service to ASC.

Wait, I Can Say No?

  • Post category:In Service
  • Reading time:6 mins read

by Rosalind Eaton, CVA This past Sunday, Rev. Amanda Poppei of the UU Church of Arlington preached "...But Is It Fun?" about the power of saying Yes…As long as it’s fun. Say yes to getting ice cream in the summer, say yes to swimming, say yes to being present and available – if it works for YOU. Your health, mental…

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We Have a Need, How Do We Fill It?

  • Post category:In Service
  • Reading time:8 mins read

The amazing thing about All Souls is how diverse our community is and how broad our interests and passions are. From spiritual practices to covenant groups, to religious education for our youth and for our adults, to music and worship, to social justice and congregational care, there is a broad spectrum of interests, needs, and activities. Much of the congregation’s…

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How Do We Transition Away from Volunteer Recruitment to Centering in Gifts?

  • Post category:In Service
  • Reading time:5 mins read

by Rosalind Eaton, CVA So what, friends, are your gifts? What effortlessly flows from you in such a way that you can’t help but offer it abundantly to others? What’s the groundwater beneath that structure of skill you spent years building, to succeed in a culture that sees no gifts, only transactions? And what would happen if you tapped into…

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