The Honorable Julius A. Johnson

The Hon. Julius Johnson

The Honorable Julius A. Johnson (j. 1/1962; d. 2010) was a federal administrative law judge and a passionate member of All Souls’ food ministry. He was a mainstay in our Sunday Lunch Program and was affectionately known for tackling the least desirable tasks (scrubbing pans and rinsing dishes).

Kristan Markey, a co-chair of the Sunday Lunch Ministry, described Johnson this way in this remembrance written for Johnson’s service. “Jay was one of the most fantastic volunteers with the All Souls Lunch Program/Food Ministry. Every third Sunday during the year, he would arrive a few minutes past 9:30. He’d come dressed impeccably. And we’d make sure that he would get a good apron to protect his clothes (even if all the good ones had already been taken). Over time, he and I developed a routine whereby we’d shake hands, and I’d say, “Jay, it is good to see you again; thank you for helping us this morning.” And he’d pause, almost surprised to be thanked, and reply, “The pleasure is mine – my part is easy – thank YOU for making the meal.” And we’d smile, and the hustle bustle would continue.”

“He worked conscientiously and steadily, doing whatever was asked – and filling in whenever he had no immediate job to do: cleaning up, stirring, helping out someone else until we needed him specifically again. Sometimes preparations would run late, and at one point, we’d realize that he was still down there, helping out quietly. I’d invite him upstairs to make sure he got to service, to which he would invariably respond that this was his service.”

Johnson earned a bachelors degree in political science from Southern Illinois University in 1957 and a law degree from Howard University in 1963. He then worked as a public defender and a line prosecutor in the DC US Attorney’s Office (1966-1976) before his appointment as administrative judge for the Department of Labor in 1976.

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