What is going on with the Ministerial Search?

The search for our Developmental Minister, who will serve in the Senior Minister role, continues. The Search Committee has worked with our Executive Director, Traci Hughes-Trotter, to submit our “Congregational Record” to the Unitarian Universalist Association Transitions Office. This is a document that describes all aspects of All Souls, for prospective candidates for the position.

Now we are awaiting a set of candidate resumes to review. An Interview Panel has been chosen, with people from the Board and Search Committee. They will interview a few of the best candidates and the Board will negotiate and then sign a contract with the candidate. Rev. Bill’s ministry will be completed in June, so our goal is to have a Developmental Minister ready to fill his role before his departure.   

For more on the Search process, please visit: https://all-souls.org/ministerial-search/