Winter 2022 Update: Ministerial Search Committee

Hello All Souls!

As your Ministerial Search Committee co-chairs, we want to wish you a very happy holiday season and update you on All Souls’ search for settled ministry. 

As you probably know, the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Ministerial Search Committee and the Executive Team, decided to extend the search to 2024.  This decision was made because of the financial situation of the church—a $400,000 budget gap.  We believe that in order to attract the best candidates to All Souls, we must have our financial house in order, so we are taking an extra year to help do that.

The Search Committee has supported this fall’s Funding Our Future campaign to close the $400,000 deficit by individually making gifts and/or upping our pledges.  We know that All Souls must cultivate a culture of generosity moving forward in order to accomplish our goals and provide a stable financial future.  The chance of success for a ministerial search committee goes way up if the church’s finances are steady, transparent, and fulfills the budget needs. 

The Search Committee has continued its work and has planned out the next 18 months of activities.  We will sponsor a UUA workshop called Beyond Categorical Thinking this winter, which will provide an opportunity to consider conscious or unconscious biases regarding settled ministry.  This should be a profound learning experience and we urge everyone to take the time to attend.  We will also host congregational conversations to gather more information about congregants’ hopes for our next ministry.

As always, if you have questions, please send an email to or approach anyone on the Search Committee

In Faith, Morgan Duncan and T Vatnick, Ministerial Search Committee Co-chairs

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mark Savage

    Thanks so much for this update. And for all the ministry and work!

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