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for a church like this.
Join a progressive religious community in the heart of Washington, DC
All Souls is a progressive religious community in the heart of Washington, DC
at the intersection of Mt. Pleasant, Adams Morgan, and Columbia Heights
We walk diverse paths to find meaning and purpose but are united by our belief in the worth and dignity of all, and the obligation to express our faith through acts of justice and compassion. Join us as we create a diverse, spirit-growing, justice-seeking beloved community that’s true to our name, All Souls!

It’s time to pledge to support the All Souls Annual Fund for church year 2025-26
We are asking everyone to thoughtfully consider what a meaningful contribution to support All Souls’ efforts in the coming year looks like for you.
Worship this Week

Meeting the Unexpected with Imagination
Youth and Rev. Anastassia Zinke
March 9, 2025 @ 10:30 AM EST—In this all ages, youth-led service, we will explore how a community moves into diverse authenticity when they meet the unexpected with imagination.
Featuring special music offered by the Yale University International Chorus.
Our annual drive continues, so there will be an opportunity to make a pledge to the 2025-26 Annual Fund (Jul 1, 2025– June 30, 2026).
ASL interpretation is provided during worship services.
Attend Online
Our online congregation meets on Zoom with the ‘doors’ opening fifteen minutes prior to the service.
Join via the Zoom app (link below), or via phone: 301.715.8592 meeting ID: 918 758 14433
What to Expect on Sundays
10:15 AM Our community gathers in-person and online (via Zoom). The nursery space opens prior to the service for children ages 5 and under.
10:30 AM The worship service begins. Masking is welcome and optional.
Children and youth begin in the sanctuary. Religious education classes are open for children ages 3 – high school. If this is your first Sunday in RE at All Souls ~or~ your child/children are in preschool, kindergarten, or first grade, please escort your child to their classroom and sign them in with their RE volunteer team when the time comes. Learn more about Children and Youth Religious Education.
11:45 AM (or shortly after worship ends)
- In-Person Fellowship and Coffee Hour. Join us after worship ends to visit with other members of the congregation.
- Virtual Coffee Connection. Stay on the Zoom call to visit with the Connecting Souls for social time.
Looking for a Worship Service?
Since 2020, we have maintained an archive of worship services. You can find past worship services on our YouTube channel and searchable on our website.

Spiritual Growth
Come worship with us on Sundays in words and music; spend a lifetime learning to expand your soul; share your thoughts in small groups; listen to past sermons; celebrate all religious traditions.

Diverse Community
Get together with folks who may share your life experience; use your talents to serve those in need; meet in small groups to discuss matters important to you; learn to live in covenant with your fellow congregants.

Social Justice
Be a prophetic voice for racial, reproductive, and environmental justice; fight for peace and voting rights; protect the dignity of immigrants and refugees; raise your awareness; learn to be an ally; make the world a better place.
2025-26 Generosity Campaign Update: Roars Out of the Gate
Celebration Sunday kicked off our 2025-26 annual pledge drive with a bang last week as 119 people made their pledges, including 31 first-time pledgers and 13 recommitted pledges (who have pledged for the first time after an absence of at least a year). Early returns are very encouraging, with an average pledge increase of more than 17%!
Please consider your commitment to the work of All Souls, and invest as generously as you can to help us continue to provide a loving and resilient community in troubled times.
Sprucing Up In Spring
Your Building Committee is working hard to beautify the courtyard space and the steeple netting. The architect will submit the final design for the courtyard in March, and there will be some very noticeable activity happening around the netting on the 16th Street side of the church. Starting March 31-April 5, there will be some spring sprucing of the netting and liner. Unfortunately, the netting cannot be removed until the steeple is repaired, but crews will be on-site to replace the unsightly black liner with a beige-colored liner to better blend with the columns of the church.
Weekend on the Bay Filling Fast – Register Today to Reserve Your Spot
Our all-Church retreat–is back! Join us March 28-30 at Camp Letts in Edgewater, Maryland. Weekend on the Bay offers lots of room for kids to run, explore and play; for adults to relax, learn and reflect–and for everyone to have fun! Register by February 26th to take advantage of Early Bird Pricing!
New Year, New eNews Design!
We are trying out this new format for the weekly eNews. Would love to know what you think!
Feedback February – All Souls Church 2025 Budget Priorities and Beyond Survey
The board and the Living Well With Our Means (LWWOM) committee would like all congregants (members and friends) to provide their insights on how we can make All Souls THRIVE! Even if you attended the congregational meeting or are attending one of the listening sessions in February, please still take this survey. Your Voice Matters.
Getting Rid of the Bad Stuff
You may notice large signs near the 16th St entrance and the Harvard Street entrance. Hazardous materials abatement will begin February 10, 2025 in the lower level and last for two weeks.
March 2025
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
All Souls Church is conducting a Capital Campaign to raise funds to restoring Our Historic Building – from the lower level to the bell tower! We’re building a brighter future for our congregation’s next 100 years!
Learn more about the campaign, the repairs needed, the people involved, and how YOU can help!
Stay In Touch
Subscribe to the weekly eNewsletter. You will receive updates on what's happening and how you can get more involved with activities at the church. We look forward to seeing you around!

8th Principle
We, the members of All Souls Church Unitarian, covenant to affirm and promote journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other forms of oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.
Listen to All Souls’ Revere bell toll for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

Find Us
We’re at the heart of DC, at the intersection of Mt. Pleasant, Adams Morgan, and Columbia Heights. A ramp is available from the main entrance (16th St.). You can also enter from the side entrance on Harvard St.
All Souls does NOT have a parking lot. During the week, street parking is extremely limited. The best option is to park is the paid DC USA Parking Garage on Irving St NW beneath the Target ($12 for the day).
On Sundays, there is more street parking available. Refer to the signs along the streets for restrictions.
We are also very close to the Yellow and Green metro lines at the Columbia Heights Metro station.