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Join a progressive religious community in the heart of Washington, DC


Hope Rises logoAll Souls Church is conducting a Capital Campaign to raise funds to restoring Our Historic Building – from the lower level to the bell tower! We’re building a brighter future for our congregation’s next 100 years!

Learn more about the campaign, the repairs needed, the people involved, and how YOU can help!

All Souls is a progressive religious community in the heart of Washington, DC
at the intersection of Mt. Pleasant, Adams Morgan, and Columbia Heights

We walk diverse paths to find meaning and purpose but are united by our belief in the worth and dignity of all, and the obligation to express our faith through acts of justice and compassion. Join us as we create a diverse, spirit-growing, justice-seeking beloved community that’s true to our name, All Souls!

Worship this Sunday

A Ritual to Call Us to One Another

Rev. Anastassia Zinke

July 14, 2024 @ 10:30 AM EDT—In any community, we are bound to disappoint each other. What do we need to remember – both to reduce the likelihood of disappointment and to aid us into returning to community? Come hear and reflect on William Stafford’s poem, “A Ritual to Read to Each Other.”

Our services include ASL interpretation.

What to Expect on Sundays

10:15 AM Our community gathers in-person and online (via Zoom). We record worship services. If you prefer to be off-camera, please choose a seat either in the front right (as you face the pulpit) or in the back left. You may also sit in the balconies September-June. 

10:30 AM  The worship service begins (masking is optional).

For the summer, the nursery space is open for family use for children ages 2 and under (listening devices are available for parents), and religious education classes are open for children ages 3 – rising 5th grade, with the children starting out in the sanctuary. If this is your first Sunday in RE at All Souls ~or~ your child/children are in preschool, kindergarten, or first grade, please escort your child to their classroom and sign them in with their RE volunteer team when the time comes. Learn more about Children and Youth Religious Education.

11:45 AM (or shortly after worship ends)

  • In-Person Fellowship and Coffee Hour. Join us in Pierce Hall after worship ends to catch up in-person with other members of the congregation. New to All Souls? Welcome! Please use a red mug/cup and look for the Welcoming Corner.
  • Virtual Coffee Connection. Stay on the Zoom call to visit with the Connecting Souls for social time.

Attend Online

Our online congregation meets on Zoom with the ‘doors’ opening at 10:15 AM ET.

Join via the Zoom app (link below),
 or via phone: 301.715.8592, meeting ID: 918 758 14433

Looking for a Worship Service?

After the service, we post the video recording to our website typically within 2-3 days.

NOTE: People seated on the main floor may be visible in the recording. If you do not wish to be, you are welcome to sit in the third-floor balcony accessible from the elevator in the Reeb Lobby. 

Stay In Touch

Subscribe to the weekly eNewsletter. You will receive updates on what's happening and how you can get more involved with activities at the church. We look forward to seeing you around!

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Sunday worship at All Souls Church Unitarian.

Spiritual Growth

Come worship with us on Sundays in words and music; spend a lifetime learning to expand your soul; share your thoughts in small groups; listen to past sermons; celebrate all religious traditions.

All Souls Passover seder.

Diverse Community

Get together with folks who may share your life experience; use your talents to serve those in need; meet in small groups to discuss matters important to you; learn to live in covenant with your fellow congregants.

All Souls sanctuary action.

Social Justice

Be a prophetic voice for racial, reproductive, and environmental justice; fight for peace and voting rights; protect the dignity of immigrants and refugees; raise your awareness; learn to be an ally;  make the world a better place.

8th Principle

We, the members of All Souls Church Unitarian, covenant to affirm and promote journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other forms of oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

Listen to All Souls’ Revere bell toll for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

Black Lives Matter

Find Us

We’re at the heart of DC, at the intersection of Mt. Pleasant, Adams Morgan, and Columbia Heights. Our address is 1500 Harvard Street NW, Washington DC 20009 (main entrance on the 16th Street side).

Parking: Please note that All Souls does NOT have a parking lot. Street parking is extremely limited. The best option is to park is the paid DC USA Parking Garage on Irving St NW beneath the Target ($12 for the day). 

We are also very close to the Yellow and Green metro lines at the Columbia Heights Metro station.