Work With Us!

Come join the staff of All Souls Church!

As a staff, we commit to implementing the 8th Principle in both our shared work and our individual portfolios. We will give it the time and energy it deserves. In the 8th Principle, All Souls Church commits to “journeying towards spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

Together, we nurture meaningful, authentic relationships with one another across cultural, linguistic, religious, and other differences, built on honoring the inherent worth, dignity, and creativity of each of us and on recognizing that our work and success is a team effort.

We respect one another’s work as we acknowledge the varied effects of power, privilege, and oppression in our lives, the church, and society at large.

We strive to treat one another with kindness, gentleness, and honesty, particularly during times of disagreement or conflict.

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