This is an opportunity to serve the church off campus/virtually.
Do you live outside of the DMV area, but attend All Souls Church? Are you looking to make more meaningful connections with others of the congregation who also attend church virtually? Are you willing to host semi-regular or regular virtual events on Zoom (or other platforms) to bring our virtual congregation together outside of Sunday services?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, consider becoming a Virtual Geogroup Host!
What is a Geogroup?
All Souls has some 20 “geogroups,” groups based on neighborhoods/areas in the DMV (and one for more far-flung congregants). Where the populations of congregants are denser (say, in Mount Pleasant, Adams Morgan, or Columbia Heights) the area covered is smaller. As they move farther from the church, the geogroups cover larger areas, such as all of Prince George’s County in Maryland. Our virtual Geogroup is currently small (but growing!) and includes people around the world.
Geogroups are yet one more way for All Souls congregants to connect with others in the community. Geogroups can get together in their own neighborhoods for social activities, meet over Zoom, or set up a table in Pierce Hall for a quick gathering after church. Neighbors can share rides to church and check in with one another in the shared ministry of congregational care.
Each geogroup has one or two hosts: group members who have volunteered to periodically communicate with their group, encourage gatherings, and welcome new members.
This volunteer opportunity is looking for hosts for the Geogroup encompassing congregants outside of the DMV. You would be asked to communicate with other congregants outside of the DMV, periodically host Zoom events and gatherings, and welcome new group members as they are added to the Geogroup. This lay leadership role does not require a lot of time, but brings a lot of social connection!
Please complete this form to express your interest!