Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 in person or online. Composed of inspiring words and stirring music, our services seek to provide spiritual sustenance for our living.
Upcoming Services
Throughout the history of the church, music has played a central role in the life of All Souls. Whether the All Souls Choir, one of the first multiracial choirs in Washington; the founding of the Jubilee Singers by Sweet Honey in the Rock member, Ysaye Barnwell; the installation of the historic Rieger organ; the voices of children and youth, the “By Your Side Singers” congregational care choir, or the robust congregational singing on Sunday mornings, music is a tool of opening the heart and connecting with values and precepts of Unitarian Universalism. You are invited to find your place in All Souls music ministries.
Religious Education
At All Souls we believe every human being is of inherent worth and dignity and each of us is endowed with what our forebears called “powers of the soul”— power to feel, to connect with one another and all of life, to reason, to imagine, to create, to discern what is worthy of our devotion, to love, to listen and to speak, to make meaning, to enjoy life’s good gifts, and to work to transform injustice and resist evil.
Rooted in this tradition, our educational programming is designed to support each of us in the lifelong journey to deepen our connection with the sacred; grow our souls; and to create together a multigenerational, multicultural, and multiracial Beloved Community.
As such, All Souls offers educational programming for all ages from Sunday school-type classes during church services for children and youth to courses, workshops, discussion groups, spiritual retreats, and pilgrimages for adults that build and fortify the foundations of spiritual and religious life as we seek to embody our values in the broader world.