2024-2025 Grantees

Internal Recipients

Committee on Right Relations ($2,500)

This grant will support the committee’s continued efforts to establish a Transformative Justice (TJ) practice within All Souls. CRR began working with a team of consultants in 2021 and a group of congregants have been working to develop their TJ skills for almost two years. One of the consultants who has worked with this practice group in recent years will continue to support it in building its skills, with the aspiration that some members will grow into leaders able to self-generate a community of TJ practitioners at All Souls.

The 8 Team ($5,000)

The work of The 8 Team builds on that of the 8th Principle Team that was mandated to lead the church’s adoption of the 8th Principle. Composed of eight members of the congregation, The 8 Team is charged with leading steps to implement the 8th Principle within the operations of the church. It is available to think alongside lay and staff leaders about the transformation needs of the church and to advise as appropriate. The Team has also worked with pre- existing transformation initiatives to connect aligned efforts and avoid duplication. The Team’s work has led them to embrace a mission of developing transformative leadership at All Souls. In September, they hosted Transformative Leadership Day, which may become the first element of a Transformative Leadership course for congregants. This grant will support the Team’s activities as they continue to process best approaches to achieve its charge.

Social Justice Ministry ($11,046.04)

This grant funds a trial run of a different approach to Beckner’s internal grants process. The grant moves the staff contact for this year’s internal grants to Rev. Rob Keithan, Minister for Social Justice at rkeithan(at)allsouls.ws. A portion of the grant will underwrite a discretionary pool, which mirrors previous year’s social justice budget lines. The remainder will be available for grants for internal social justice initiatives on a rolling basis. This replaces the internal grant cycles the Beckner Fund typically administers bi-annually. At the end of the year, the Beckner Fund Committee plans to assess the trial and determine how to proceed