How Do I Pledge?

We build our annual budget on the documented pledges we receive, rather than on historic giving patterns. Your pledge determines how well our mission is funded. Please submit your annual pledge by March 30, 2025.

Contributing is a two-step process:

Annual Fund Campaign
2025-26 Church Year

July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026

How Do I Pledge?

We build our annual budget on the documented pledges we receive, rather than on historic giving patterns. Your pledge determines how well our mission is funded. Please submit your annual pledge by March 30, 2025.

Contributing to the 2025-26 Annual Fund is a two-step process:

Share Your Intentions

Create Your Payment Plan

Pledge Now
Pay Later

NEW PLEDGES: After you create a new pledge (blue button), and if you want to have your pledge payments deducted automatically, please then set up your recurring automatic payment (using the red button).

Specify a $ Amount
or % Increase

EXISTING PLEDGES: If you have an existing recurring gift, it will continue for the new pledge year unless you contact us with a change. Please consider a 10% increase over your previous pledge.

Not sure what you previously pledged?

Login to Realm or contact Gary Penn at database(at) 

Create Your Payment Plan

Give by credit/debit card or automatic bank withdrawal (ACH)

Auto-withdrawals help stabilize giving. Gary Penn can facilitate setting up automatic withdrawals. Like every pledge, those being paid on auto-withdrawal can be changed at any time by contacting Gary at database(at)

Support Federal Workers

Consider making a special one-time pledge* this year to the Angel Fund. Contributions will cover church operating expenses and are intended to defray anticipated lost pledges from congregants who are/were federal workers, as well as other who find themselves unable to pledge at the level they are accustomed to in these uncertain times.  

* We will track this money separately and not consider it as an increase in your overall annual giving.

Other Ways to Pay

If you prefer to fulfill your pledge another way, there are a number of option available to you. 

Please contact Traci Hughes executivedirector(at) with questions. 

The Vision We Wish to Build Into Our Budget


Increasing compensation to our staff, both to address rising costs, and to reflect our commitment to values of fair pay and economic justice. Every position will pay a living wage or higher.

Spiritual and Communal Strength

(1) Investing in programs that deepen our connections, including the addition of UU Wellspring programs; (2) Continue to invest training and ministerial time into our pastoral associates’ program and in direct pastoral care; and (3) Continue to provide modest financial relief for members in need.

Investing in people

(1) Growing and supporting our membership by extending a warm and “multi-touch” welcome to newcomers. This includes increasing the number of staff hours devoted to membership by reallocating some responsibilities; (2) Funding a high school internship program here at All Souls that supports engagement and leadership for our youth.

Collaboration Within and Beyond

(1) Engaging church leaders in developing effective strategies and practices to support lay-professional shared ministries that support growth and volunteerism; (2) Continued and deepening partnership with local and national organizations to protect those most vulnerable.


Supporting All Souls’ long-term future by (1) Investing in building maintenance; and (2) Reducing our endowment withdrawal as much as possible from the current fiscal year 15% withdrawal.

Giving in Gratitude

We love All Souls, because it welcomes us with open arms and is committed to Beloved Community.

We are inspired by All Souls for its prophetic voice that lifts up our values.

We value All Souls for enriching our lives, providing spiritual nourishment, engaging us in social activism, and for accompanying us through life’s challenges.

We are connected to All Souls, because of our covenants which bring us into relationships shaped by love, respect, and commitment.

All Souls represents love where there is hate, welcome where there is intolerance, and refuge for the vulnerable.

These times demand that we be stronger and more vibrant than ever, and it will require a reliable financial base to do the work of social justice that is so critical now.

This is why we need you to consider pledging as generously as you can by March 30.

Pledge Basics

The annual pledge drive supports the core essentials: our Sunday services, high-quality music, lifespan programming, our social justice ministries, building maintenance so that our facility is welcoming and functional, member services, financial administration, and our congregational dues to the Unitarian Universalist Association, which connect us to the larger UU world.

Though facility rentals, grants, and fundraisers also support our work, pledges from members and friends make up 61% of our budget. We are truly by the people and for the people.

Annual pledges to All Souls range from $10 to $45,000. These figures reflect giving in the range of 2-10% of annual income and are informed by our personal connection to our congregation.

All Souls recognizes that our diverse Beloved Community is made up of real people with varying needs, obligations, and differing financial resources. We ask you to reflect on all these factors and to contribute an amount that expresses your valuing of and duty to this community without creating undue financial hardship for yourself.

How Much Should I Give?

This guide is based on the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) recommended “fair share” giving, which accounts for income and unusual expenses for your household.

* Find your adjusted income: Reduce household income by expenses related to child/elder-care, medical, education, unusually high cost-of-living, etc.