Hope Rises – a Capital Campaign

The Capital Campaign to preserve our historic building and prepare for the next era in the ministry of All Souls is underway. The “Hope Rises” campaign, which will formally kick-off on February 25th along with the annual pledge drive, will be focusing on raising funds for urgent repair needs for our historic building that have a direct mission impact: (1) major water damage on the lower level have displaced key programs including our Youth Group, and reduced opportunities for community outreach; and (2) the bell tower and steeple – damaged during the 2011 earthquake — are an eyesore and dangerous. In addition, smaller projects in the Sanctuary, Pierce Hall, and Juliet Balcony are being considered, and a balloon payment for the remaining balance of a mortgage from our previous capital campaign in 2015 will be due in 2026.

In addition to Rev. Bill and Traci, many congregants are already working on planning for the campaign. Anna Hargrave and Jeff Wilklow are serving as co-chairs of the Steering Committee; other members of the committee are Tod Preston, Charlotte Selton, and Chuck Wooldridge. The Building Committee, which will guide the construction itself and the planning needed to manage these complicated projects, is comprised of Pam Amos, Chuck Belser, Jason Mellon, Brian Petruska, and Meg Staines. Long-range financial planning is being handled by the Board’s Finance Committee. We will be introducing these individuals at this Sunday’s service.

Barry and Rev. Roberta Finkelstein, who joined us at our Sunday service on September 24, are serving as consultants on the project. They will be completing the Feasibility Study for the campaign and reporting to the Board on December. Assuming that the signs for success look good, the congregation will be asked to approve moving forward with the campaign in January.

Barry and Rev. Roberta Finkelstein, who joined us at our Sunday service on September 24, are serving as consultants on the project. They will be completing the Feasibility Study for the campaign and reporting to the Board on December 20th. Assuming that the signs for success look good, the congregation will be asked to approve moving forward with the campaign in January.

The financial needs to make this campaign successful are significant, but already we have received outside grants totaling $1 million. Stay tuned for further updates!