General Assembly 2023 Recap

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s multi-platform General Assembly (GA) was held June 21-25 both online and in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. GA is the annual meeting of the Association where much learning, organizational decisions, and social connections occur. Specifically, participants: worship together; learn more about the theological foundations of the Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith; explore where our faith is headed; connect with and provide witness with others around a shared vision, values, and Principles; and make policy for the Association using the democratic process. Over 4,000 people participated in GA—almost 2,600 of whom served as delegates from over 700 congregations. Delegates retain the right to vote on denominational business. Delegates from All Souls included Pamela Coukos, Sophia Smith (youth delegate), Erika Landberg, Neil Manzullo, Kathy Mulvey, Pamela Sparr, and Justis Tuia.

Read the entire update here.