Active Bystander and De-escalation Training

This training, provided by the DC Peace Team, focuses on effective skills for assessing, de-escalating, and diffusing a harmful or inappropriate behavior (bullying, harassment, physical violence). It provides participants with the tools they need to quickly recognize when they are bystanders, evaluate the consequences for everyone involved, and take appropriate action(s). This training can be useful in many areas, including within All Souls, in our neighborhoods and everyday life, and at large public events. There is a 25-person limit, so registration is required. Sliding scale fee, with option for pre-purchasing a lunch (or you can bring your own).

This event is at capacity. You can still add yourself to the wait list. We will notify you of future opportunities. We will likely hold another training in March.


Feb 09 2025


12:15 pm - 3:30 pm


Dining Room