Hope Rises Campaign
Restoring our historic building - from the lower level to the bell tower.
We're building a brighter future for our congregation's next 100 years!
Make Your Pledge

For more than 200 years, All Souls has stood tall as a progressive religious center from which movements for justice and liberation have helped shape Washington, DC, Unitarian Universalism and the nation. It is a place where so many have found acceptance, inspiration and joy. All Souls is a beacon in the community, a place where Hope Rises, and it needs urgent repair.
Over the past several months the Executive Team and many lay leaders have been hard at work planning to address these issues, starting with the religious education classrooms impacted by long term water infiltration into the building. From the lower level to the bell tower, our historic building needs some TLC.
The repairs will be expensive. We have secured grant funding to begin the repairs but not nearly enough to complete them.
This video, created by staff member Solomon Teklemicael and church member Anna Jhirard, show the importance of the Hope Rises campaign to the history and future of All Souls Church.
It is an intersection of our rich history and social justice efforts, creating the path forward for our youngest members of the congregation.
Our campaign consultants, Rev. Roberta and Barry Finkelstein, conducted interviews with a number of members and congregants from All Souls as part of a feasibility study to determine what support might be available to support this capital campaign. You can read the results of this study here. Their report concludes: “We can do this.”
Our goal is to raise $4M-$5M to cover the cost of the repairs, and your vote is needed to move ahead with the capital campaign.
The congregation overwhelming voted to approve the capital campaign. Please join us after service on Sunday, February 25, 2024 for a celebratory lunch in Pierce Hall as we officially kick-off Hope Rises and our Annual Pledge Drive.
Hope Rises will require the support of everyone, and several committees of volunteer leaders are already involved:
Campaign Steering Committee:
Anna Hargrave, Co-Chair
Jeff Wilklow, Co-Chair
Tod Preston
Charlotte Selton
Chuck Wooldridge
Rev. Bill Sinkford, staff
Traci Hughes, staff
Building Committee:
Pam Amos
Chuck Belser
Jason Mellen
Brian Petruska
Meg Staines
Solomon Teklemicael, staff
Traci Hughes, staff
Finance Committee:
Brian Petruska, Treasurer
Phyllis Caldwell
Jason Mellen
G. Taylor Johnson
Jerome Adler
Traci Hughes, staff
Current Total Raised: $3.1M as of August 6, 2024

What Needs to be Done
Stop the Water Damage:
Preserve RE Spaces and Rental Income by mitigating the water and repairing the damage caused.
New landscaping in courtyard after the water mitigation work is completed.
Repair the Bell Tower:
The 2011 Earthquake caused damage to the Bell Tower which needs to be repaired before the netting can be taken down.

Safety Repairs:
The Sanctuary Electrical System needs to be upgraded to avoid future hazards, and other work needs to be done to make the All Souls building a safer location.
Pay Off Mortgage from Last Campaign:
The mortgage from our previous construction work comes due in 2026. If we pay off the loan, it will allow the church to avoid future interest payments.
Tour the Damaged Areas
Jason Mellen is a Church member on the Building Committee. Follow along on Jason’s tour of the building, indicating where the damage is, and how extensive it is.
You will also be able to take in person tours to see the damage for yourself, including the bell tower. Volunteers will be in Pierce Hall after service in coming weeks to answer questions and lead tours.
What's Next?
Getting to Yes
Current Cost Estimates Being Confirmed:
Over One Million Dollars in Grants Already Received:
$800,000, Private Foundation
$250,000, Fund for Sacred Places
Three Year Pledges
Combined Capital and Annual Giving Campaign

Feb 2024
Leadership Phase
Feb 25, 2024
Public Launch of Hope Rises Campaign
Feb 25 - Mar 31
Campaign is underway!