For more than 200 years, All Souls has stood tall and has been the center of social, cultural and political movements that have shaped Washington, D.C. and the nation. It is a place where so many have found comfort, acceptance and joy. All Souls Church, Unitarian is a beacon in the community, a place where Hope Rises, and it needs urgent repair.
Over the past several months, your Executive Team has been hard at work to find ways to reopen the religious education classrooms effected by decades of water damage to the building. And although we’ve secured grant funding to begin the repairs needed to stop the water infiltration on the ground floor, there are many more repairs that are needed.

We can no longer afford to put off this work. Simply put, from the lower level up to the bell tower, our beloved, historic building needs a lot of T.L.C. and it will require the full support of the All Souls community to make it happen so that hope can continue to rise.
Our goal is to raise $4M-$5M to cover the cost of the repairs, and your vote is needed to move ahead with the capital campaign.
To make it easy as possible for full participation the congregation will vote by electronic ballot, in the same manner as the Church Goals two years ago. All eligible voting members of the congregation will be emailed a ballot on Sunday, January 21st. The vote closes on January 26th – so please pay close attention to your email in the coming days.
The capital campaign steering committee is available to answer your questions, and will hold information sessions ahead of the vote:
January 7, 2024 – 12:15-1:15 Eaton Room
January 8, 2024 – 7p-8p – Zoom (Please RSVP here to receive the link)
If you’d like to read the Feasibility Study, click here.