Articles written for the congregation by church leadership and placed on the website. E-bulletin will be linked to these posts.

General Assembly 2023 Recap

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s multi-platform General Assembly (GA) was held June 21-25 both online and in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. GA is the annual meeting of the Association where much learning, organizational decisions, and social connections occur. Specifically, participants: worship together; learn more about the theological foundations of the Unitarian Universalist (UU) faith; explore where our faith is headed; connect with and…

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New Music Leadership

Hello All Souls, I write to share news of the extraordinary musicians who have agreed to lead the Music and Arts program for All Souls in the next church year. Keith Arnold, Minister of Music at the Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden, Colorado, has agreed to come to All Souls as Acting Director of Music and Arts. Keith is a…

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Our Searches for Music Leadership

I am writing to update All Souls on the plans to sustain our music ministry and move through this period of staff transition. Dr. Carl DuPont First, I am delighted to share the news that Carl DuPont has agreed to serve next year as Acting Director of the Jubilee Singers. Many of you will remember the energy and spirit in…

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