Articles written for the congregation by church leadership and placed on the website. E-bulletin will be linked to these posts.

What’s Happening in Religious Education (RE)?

What a successful year in RE it has been already! We have implemented a new Safety Policy and trained 33 volunteers on its importance. We have 7 classes running each Sunday. Additionally, we’ve had wonderful bonding experiences at a glorious weekend Youth Fall Retreat, a fun Haunted House, the multigenerational Thanksgiving Collection, and a highly successful pageant.  In elementary RE,…

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Congregational Vote Info Sessions

For more than 200 years, All Souls has stood tall and has been the center of social, cultural and political movements that have shaped Washington, D.C. and the nation. It is a place where so many have found comfort, acceptance and joy. All Souls Church, Unitarian is a beacon in the community, a place where Hope Rises, and it needs urgent repair.   Over the past several months,…

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Who Are You Connecting With?

Hello All Souls! I hope this holiday season is bringing you joy, peace, and connections! I’m writing to you from overcast O’Brien, Florida where my parents live. It’s amazing how far technology has brought us; I’m 800 miles from home and still able to join you from afar. I’ll be running the Christmas Eve Zoom from the comfort of my…

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