Articles written for the congregation by church leadership and placed on the website. E-bulletin will be linked to these posts.

Today, I’m Hungry and I’m Ready for Change

Hello All Souls! I hope you have all had some wonderful adventures this summer! Visiting our sister congregations throughout July, our Children’s and Youth Religious Education program’s Summer of Spiritual Practices at home (Knitting this week, and ice cream making on September 4th!), and our watch parties in the Reeb Lobby made for wonderful experiences all around! We have had…

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Oh, To Be a Fly on The Wall… Transitional Minister, Rev. Bill Sinkford, and Executive Director, Traci Hughes-Trotter, chat together about their hopes for this new church year, their co-leadership of All Souls Church, and the relationship and community building they will lead our congregation through. With the new church year right around the corner, our staff will be joining one another in videos to the congregation,…

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Gather The Spirit

I am delighted to be serving as Transitional Minister during this coming year. This is a challenging time for All Souls. This is a challenging time for every church. What will regathering ask of us? What has changed? How will connections be renewed and deepened? What are the organizational challenges as the church regathers and prepares to welcome a new…

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