Articles written for the congregation by church leadership and placed on the website. E-bulletin will be linked to these posts.

Blessed With an Abundance of Talented Musicians

This poem came through my Instagram feed this week (side note: If you’re on Instagram and you don’t follow @poetryisnotaluxury, do yourself a favor and do so immediately!) and I’ve been sharing it all over the place, including in our last choir rehearsal. I love the idea that we could be so overcome by our own songs as to believe…

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Good News and Challenging News

A letter to the congregation from Rev. Bill Sinkford, Transitional Minister and Neil Manzullo, Board President. There is such positive energy as All Souls regathers this fall. It feels like All Souls “is back.” But there is also the challenging news of large deficits for the church ($400,000 last year). All Souls needs to hold both the joy of regathering…

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September 11

Homecoming Sunday falls this year on the anniversary of September 11th. On that day, the world changed. Most of us who was older than 4 or 5 remembers where we were on that day in 2001. It is a date that has power. This date in 2022 will probably not match that power. But these days of Covid and our…

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