Articles written for the congregation by church leadership and placed on the website. E-bulletin will be linked to these posts.
I am just back in DC after two weeks away, my first break since arriving in August. I have long been a believer in the value of breaks, the almost predictable new perspective that a bit of time away from the fray provides. But I have always struggled to make the time for those breaks in the midst of the…
Hello All Souls, It's been a mild winter weatherwise, but I'll admit my life has changed drastically in the last month, most of it difficult but for the better. I've started purging all the unnecessary things out of my life and my home (you don't want to know how many pairs of ill-fitting jeans went to those in need...) and…
I’m writing with an update on church finances but let me begin with gratitude. Gratitude for the work of the staff in naming and addressing financial challenges the church faced. Gratitude for our Treasurer, Bernard Mustafa, and his clear and consistent financial analysis. And gratitude for the many congregants who have given their time, talent, and treasure, both this year…