Congregational Care joys and concerns

Congregational Care – Week of 12/18/2022

  • Post category:Joys and Concerns
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Thank you so much for many warm cards and emails on the death of my mom. We had a beautiful family gathering celebrating the full life of Lindsay Green on December 11 in El Paso. Much appreciation for all the caring hearts at All Souls,Rev. Louise We welcome Theodora Catherine Smither Wulsin, the newest member of the All Souls community.…

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Congregational Care – Week of 12/11/2022

  • Post category:Joys and Concerns
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Rev. Louise is in El Paso this weekend for the burial and memorial for her mother Lindsay. She sends much thanks for the loving support from staff and congregation. For congregational care: Rev. Bill Sinkford, CongCare@gary Sean McCormallyDecember 17, 1948 - November 21, 2022 We mourn the death of member Sean McCormally on November 21, after a long period of treatment for cancer.…

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Let’s Be Present & Together!

Seasons Greetings, All Souls! In my mind, it feels unbelievable that it's already the end of November and we're fast heading into the colder, darker months. The already jam-packed days are short, and sun is setting around 5pm. I've heard several people lamenting that it's dark when they leave the house, and dark when they head home. It's a hard…

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