Caring Cards Table – Helpers Needed!

A Sunday-Morning-Only Volunteer Job with Great Connection Benefits…

You’ve seen the Caring Card Table in Pierce Hall or the Reeb Lobby almost every Sunday; many of you come to sign the cards displayed there.  Many of you have received the cards – of congratulations, condolence, get well, and more, all signed by All Souls congregants on Sunday morning.

The cards are a missive of love to those among us.  People who receive a card tell us that they very much appreciated the congregants’ special outreach to them.

We want and need a few more volunteers to give an hour at the Caring Card Table on Sundays whenever your schedule permits.  Usually there is no set schedule that you must adhere to but from December to April, we hope to get help from a few of you who are willing to pick one Sunday a month, that is, “first Sunday”, “second Sunday” and so on, to shepherd the table for those five months.  (We already have a return volunteer for third Sunday of those months (thank you, Elizabeth) but we still need first, second and fourth Sunday volunteers.)  We also have a few others who are willing to be substitutes if you can’t make it on your particular Sunday.

Please help us continue this outreach and connection ministry that people appreciate so much.

For details, contact Marianne Anderson at:, or call or text to:  703-582-6811.  Alternatively, contact Rev. Louise Green at Congregational Care: if you are willing to volunteer.