Leadership, Development, and Nominating Committee

The Leadership Development and Nominating Committee (LDNC) is composed of seven All Souls members who serve two-year terms, with an option to stand for election to a second term. Committee members are directly accountable to the congregation, as they are nominated by the Church Council and elected by the congregation each year at the annual meeting. The committee is a…

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AAPI Souls

More than half of the world’s people can trace their ancestral roots to either Asia or Oceania. Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Souls strives to build a safe and sacred space among AAPI-identified individuals associated with All Souls. We do this by:• Supporting each other in our individual spiritual journeys;• Celebrating our unique identities while recognizing and honoring the complexity…

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Migrant Solidarity Team

The Migrant Solidarity team is engaged in diverse efforts, including providing direct support, and connecting All Souls Congregants with volunteer opportunities with local organizations serving migrants, and advocating for immigration and refugee policies that are consistent with our UU principles. The Migrant Solidarity Team leadership engages in the larger metropolitan area dialogue with the DMV Sanctuary Congregation Network, a coalition…

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