September 11

Homecoming Sunday falls this year on the anniversary of September 11th. On that day, the world changed. Most of us who was older than 4 or 5 remembers where we were on that day in 2001. It is a date that has power. This date in 2022 will probably not match that power. But these days of Covid and our…

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Caring for José Luis, an essay

  • Post category:Joys and Concerns
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Fr. Peter Daly was a close friend of José Luis Sanchez, a long-time member of All Souls Church, and cared for him in his final days. He wrote a beautiful tribute about that time with José Luis, and recently published the essay entitled: Caring for José Luis: A priest learns that love is love. The staff here was so moved,…

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The Lesson of the Leaves

This letter is normally used to discuss institutional matters: the life of the church, regathering and the uncertainties of hybrid ministry, the challenges we face and the joys we share. There are institutional concerns aplenty that we will deal with this year. But this week, leading up to Labor Day, I am much present to the changing seasons as the…

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