Congregational Care – Week of 01/15/2023

  • Post category:Joys and Concerns
  • Reading time:1 mins read

We send love to All Souls community member Brian Schwartz and partner Shen Sowash, whose home was made uninhabitable by a frozen pipe that burst on Christmas Day. They are currently living in a hotel, and All Souls friends have organized a GoFundMe to help with housing and food costs. We send warm condolences to Sara Frueh on the unexpected…

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Virtual Geogroup Host

This is an opportunity to serve the church off campus/virtually. Do you live outside of the DMV area, but attend All Souls Church? Are you looking to make more meaningful connections with others of the congregation who also attend church virtually? Are you willing to host semi-regular or regular virtual events on Zoom (or other platforms) to bring our virtual…

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Virtual Zoom Social Hour Host

This is an opportunity to serve the church off campus/virtually. Do you attend the Sunday service through Zoom, but miss the social connection of being in person? As a Virtual Zoom Social Hour host, you would host the social hour that occurs after the service on Zoom. Sign up for one Sunday a month, or multiple! Responsibilities include: Greeting those…

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