What Do Unitarian Universalists Believe? 

Many of us have been asked that question at some point. Perhaps by a colleague where we work, or by another student in our school or at a march for justice. Those yellow “Standing on the Side of Love” shirts have prompted a lot of those questions.  What do Unitarian Universalists believe? When I served as denominational President, I often…

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Congregational Care – Week of 01/22/2023

  • Post category:Joys and Concerns
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Rev. Louise will be in Mexico from January 20-30, serving as guest preacher at the UU Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende.  Rev. Rob Keithan will be the ministerial point person for any congregational care issues.  Email CongCare@allsouls.ws.   All Souls singer and musician Gordon Kent is coming up on the 1-year anniversary of the extensive apartment fire which left him severely injured.…

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Volunteer with a Beckner Grantee!

This is a virtual volunteer opportunity with an external organization that All Souls Church has a relationship with through the Beckner Advancement Fund. The Platform of Hope is looking for fluent French and Amharic speakers who would be willing to volunteer their time a few hours a month (2-4) to support us in meeting with French and Amharic speaking families,…

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