Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop

The All Souls Ministerial Search Committee is encouraging all congregational leaders, members, and friends to participate in the upcoming “Beyond Categorical Thinking” workshop on Saturday, February 18th, 10:00-3:30 pm.  The workshop will be online, with two 90-minute sessions (lunch and bio breaks are included in the time block). Registration is required to attend. Click here to register. After registering, a…

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Update from the Board on Church Finances

I’m writing with an update on church finances but let me begin with gratitude. Gratitude for the work of the staff in naming and addressing financial challenges the church faced. Gratitude for our Treasurer, Bernard Mustafa, and his clear and consistent financial analysis. And gratitude for the many congregants who have given their time, talent, and treasure, both this year…

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Search Essential: Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop

When you think of our next ministerial leadership, do distinct images come to mind? Do you picture leaders of a particular gender, race, or age? Beyond Categorical Thinking is a highly recommended part of the search process for our congregation. In finding the leadership that would be the best match for our congregation, we could potentially let biases keep us…

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