Congregational Care: Week of 3/19/2023

  • Post category:Joys and Concerns
  • Reading time:2 mins read

All Souls Passover Seder, Saturday, April 15, 4:30 pm gather, 5-6:30 pm Program & Potluck. A Multi-generational Social Justice Event. Seders are celebratory meals that pass on stories from one generation to the next, as Jewish peoples have done for centuries. We especially invite families with children to participate this year!  Join in as we pass down  All Souls traditions…

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I Can Fly

Rev. Bill waving while on his scooter in the Sanctuary. Some of you will have noticed me using a scooter around the church in recent weeks. A few folks have asked me about it: “That’s new.” “Are you OK?” You have all seen me walking with a cane, slow and often unsteady. The medical diagnosis of my condition is a…

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General Assembly – 2023

The UUA's 2023 General Assembly (GA) will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 21-25, 2023. GA is the annual meeting of the Association. Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend. Given the realities of COVID, participants may engage either in-person or virtually.  In-Person Registration is required for all live GA events and…

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