Neighborliness: A Commitment to Being Present

When you hear the word ‘neighbor’, who/what comes to mind? The folks across the street who you know mostly by their car? Or maybe the family that mirrors yours in many ways – who you would trust to keep an eye on your kids when your schedule implodes. My mind goes immediately to Snowmageddon 2010 when neighbors helped me dig…

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Masking – COVID 19 Policy Updates

We are writing to share a plan for transitioning the masking policy in the buildings of All Souls.  First, we know that the All Souls community is not unanimous about the requirement for masking. Most members of the community are ready to move to a “mask-optional” policy throughout the buildings. This is the reality in almost all other public spaces, save…

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Congregational Care: Week of 4/16/2023

  • Post category:Joys and Concerns
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Monday, April 24, 7:00-8:30, Art Open House with UU Dialogue.  You are invited to "Infinite Sanctum", a site-specific immersion experience at Virginia Theological Seminary, created by All Souls seminarian Annmarie Dinan Hansen as her Master's thesis. Experience the art and discuss what it means to be a human in a spiritual world. This event is free, with a reception provided for area…

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