Congregational Care: Week of 5/21/2023

  • Post category:Joys and Concerns
  • Reading time:1 mins read

We are sad to announce the death of All Souls member Jane Simpson on Friday, May 12, in home hospice care after recent cardiac issues and stroke. Jane died peacefully while surrounded by her family. A Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, June 9, at 11 am at All Souls, with light reception to follow. To usher or…

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All This Change

As the end of the church year draws closer, many of us are saying goodbye to staff members who have been important in our church experience and in our lives. Although it is important to remember that each story is different, All Souls is dealing with a lot of change. I look forward to opportunities to reflect with folks about…

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Acknowledging the Range and Feelings of the Congregation

Dear Congregation, As many of you know, there was a community conversation on April 30 to give space for the diverse feelings and needs congregants were facing in response to recent staff transition announcements and communications. Board President Neil Manzullo offered some opening remarks and context about the recent events, and CRR helped provide a space for small group processing…

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