Covenant Groups

Covenant Groups build community, deepen relationships, and provide a safe place for spiritual exploration. Led by a facilitator, 5-10 people meet once or twice a month in members’ homes. The Covenant Group Committee provides resources based on the monthly spiritual themes and train facilitators. Covenant Group openings are announced as they occur, but please reach out to be contacted; new…

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Bell Ringers

We toll our historic 1822 Revere Foundry “Abolition” Bell, which has served our community for almost 200 years. We mix the joys and sorrows of the world by pealing the bell for several minutes, pausing for two minutes to wind the weights on our bell tower clock to keep it running, and then toll the bell in memory of all…

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Committee on Right Relations

This committee exists to help process conflicts between congregants and conflicts between congregants and the church’s staff, its Executive Team, and its Board of Trustees. The CRR has designed a conflict resolution process for disagreements between congregants, or congregants and staff, or committees/groups. Most conflicts can be addressed through these methods: 1. The involved parties resolve differences themselves. They receive…

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