Worship Associates

The Worship Associates support the ministers in the weekly services and on other occasions as needed, both in person and digitally. An intentionally diverse and welcome presence in the pulpit, we represent lay leadership and embody the meaning behind the name All Souls. Worship Associates serve for two years, and meet once a year for training. Applications are accepted year-round.…

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When worship is held in person, the Ushers greet people at the sanctuary before services, hand them an order of service and the bulletin, and monitor the plate collection during services. We may also seat people and help them get comfortable, or provide support to those who need mobility ssistance, or listening devices. In the case of an emergency, Ushers…

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Sunday Collection Counters

This group is a weekly volunteer opportunity to count the collection after second service. Optimally, there will be 3-4 counters each week to sort, count, and verify count what has been collected. Volunteers are asked to sign up for one Sunday a month, but are welcome to sign up for multiple dates! If you enjoy handling and counting money and…

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