Black Souls

The Black Souls gathers church congregants who identify as African-American, Afro-Caribbean, or Black to create fellowship, develop new relationships, support each other, and discuss the issues important to us in a safe environment. We desire to create a space where our Black brothers, sisters, and friends feel safe to talk about our feelings regarding social justice, racism, and various forms…

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Caring Cards

Hand-messaged cards are a way to let All Souls congregants and friends know that fellow congregants are thinking of them and sharing in their joys, sorrows, or difficulties. Volunteers make this card ministry happen every Sunday at the table in Pierce Hall, when we are in person. We send condolences to those grieving; birthday wishes to long-time members; healing prayers…

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Mindful Souls

Mindful Souls provides a space and time for people who are interested in mindfulness and mindfulness meditation. We meet weekly for a short meditation and conversation. All are welcome! Each Sunday, Mindful Souls meets in-person at Noon in Classroom 2 downstairs. In addition to the in-person meeting, on the first Sunday of each month, Mindful Souls also meets virtually through a Zoom…

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