Welcome New Staff

We are delighted to introduce two new members of the All Souls staff team!

Kirsten (Kiki) Lodal will be serving in a one-year role as Congregational Care Coordinator. She is a candidate for UU ministry and member of All Souls who has served in a variety of paid and volunteer roles in the last three years: liturgist and guest preacher, RE Assistant, and the By Your Side Singers facilitator and participant. Before answering the call to ministry and attending Union Theological Seminary, graduating in 2023, Kirsten started, grew, and led a national anti-poverty non-profit (www.whywelift.org). She has extensive experience in volunteer recruitment, management, and support. Kiki also serves as a Chaplain at the NIH Clinical Center. She will start at All Souls on July 9.

Reginald (Reggie) Golden is the new Director of the Jubilee Singers. Since 2011 he has served as the Musical Director of the Howard Gospel Choir. A double alumnus of Howard (Bachelor and Master of Music), Reggie sang with the award-winning jazz group, Afro Blue. The Reginald Golden Singers, a vocal group under his leadership, has performed at the White House, the Library of Congress, and on three international tours as US ambassadors to the UAE, Jordan, and Israel. Reggie has led worship at several historic churches here in DC. He will begin at All Souls in August.