Monday, April 24, 7:00-8:30, Art Open House with UU Dialogue.
You are invited to “Infinite Sanctum”, a site-specific immersion experience at Virginia Theological Seminary, created by All Souls seminarian Annmarie Dinan Hansen as her Master’s thesis. Experience the art and discuss what it means to be a human in a spiritual world. This event is free, with a reception provided for area UUs this evening. Open to those of all faiths, and no faith. Flyers available at All Souls. For more information:

This week we share sad news about the loss of a beloved All Souls member and child of the church, Peter Hanes. Peter died at home of a heart or stroke event around April 2. He was the son of Loretta Carter Hanes and Wesley Hanes, raised at All Souls with his sister Cindy. Peter was a kind, gentle, and brilliant person who lived alone. He had a deep love of music and played wonderful piano compositions and arrangements, often in our Sanctuary. Peter had an encyclopedic knowledge of African American and family history, and current Black history events in the US and Canada. Extended family will determine the date for a memorial at All Souls, and we will fully celebrate Peter’s life and great gifts and mourn his death.