Music and Arts this Spring at All Souls!

  • Post category:Music & Arts

Dear friends,

The Junior choir unfurled a thank you banner for Lenard Starks during the service on his last Sunday.

It seems like January was an interminable month, full of gray, rainy days, and bidding farewell to some longtime, beloved colleagues. It was a privilege to honor the ministries of both Dolores Miller and Lenard Starks this month, with opportunities for dance parties, banners, bonsai trees and the return of church luncheons. And how wonderful to be able to celebrate their work together as community, both near and far.

As we shift to longer days and (hopefully!) bluer skies, I wanted to make sure the entire congregation is aware of what’s coming up this Spring for the Music and Arts program:

Akoma @ All Souls: Our 6-week spring intensive for Akoma @ All Souls kicked off last Monday, 1/30. There are still spots available if you’d like to join the group, whose work this spring will culminate in a performance in worship on Sunday, March 19. Please email director Kristen Arant at for more details or to sign up!

Youth Choirs (Children’s Choir and Junior Choir): after leading the congregation in a beautiful song of gratitude for Lenard last Sunday, the youth choirs will resume their Tuesday rehearsals this week from 6:30-7:15 in preparation for a performance on Earth Day Sunday. We will be working in collaboration with the UU Congregation of Fairfax and local earth justice leaders on a comprehensive program at the intersection of arts and social justice. Interested in having your child(ren) join us? Please contact Rochelle Rice (for singers age 5-9) or Jen Hayman (for singers age 10 and up).

All Souls Choir: In honor of the retirement of All Souls member Cait Clarke, we had an opportunity to perform for Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson! It was powerful to sing music from worship in a room full of changemakers. Stay tuned for upcoming information about a reprise of our Off the Beaten Path program: an outdoor concert and stroll which we presented last spring at the National Arboretum. Details forthcoming!

Jubilee Singers: Given the length of Lenard’s tenure at All Souls, and the time needed to find the best next Jubilee Singers director, the Music and Arts program, with support from the Beckner Fund, has secured a roster of amazing guest directors from across the country to lead the Jubilee Singers in their monthly worship services this spring. Our first guest, Francisco Ruiz, will be joining us next Sunday, February 12. Francisco is a native of Ecuador now living in the LA area and serving as director of music at the UU Church of Long Beach. Among his many accomplishments and musical interests, Francisco has worked with the great Bobby McFerrin in the craft of circle singing. All will have an opportunity to participate in circle singing for worship next Sunday!


Women’s 8 presents Love You More
Saturday, March 4, 2023 | 7:30 pm

Join the All Souls Women’s 8 for Love You More: an evening of storytelling and song. Saturday, March 4 at 7:30 (with a pre-concert reception with the group at 6:30) .

Purchase your tickets here.