Congratulations to Andrea Swalec on the birth of Reed Swalec Laatsch on Tuesday, October 11. Andrea is a longtime member, and Reed is the little brother of Marin, in our preschool RE. All are rejoicing and doing well.
Congregational Care Connections
On Sunday, October 23, join Rev. Louise in person after the service in the 2nd floor Longfellow Room. Grab your coffee, and meet others, as we discuss the worship themes around Diwali, good, and evil. Noon to 1 pm.
After the service this week, October 23, join our Director of Religious Education, Dolores Miller, for the Multi-Racial Families affinity group. This is at 1 pm online, and the link is on the calendar, or available from Dolores.
On Sunday, October 30, we will honor those who have died in any previous year at tables in both the Sanctuary and Pierce Hall. Bring a photo or memento of a beloved family, friend, creature who has passed, as we create a space for viewing and sharing. Your contributions to the table will go home with you that day. Those online may offer names in the chat and will have Zoom coffee hour on the worship theme, Let’s Talk About Death. Our service will name those members of All Souls who died in the last year, since November 2021.
Congratulations to Rachel Evans and Stephanie Potter, who married on Saturday October 15. They will be in the congregation in person on Sunday, and we wish them much happiness and joy.
We are sending prayers to Tom Rodriguez, Judith Bauer’s brother-in-law. who suffered a stroke in VA last week and is in INOVA medical care. Healing wishes to Tom, Judith’s nephew Paco, and extended family.
We send blessings to Christina Miranda, an RE teacher whose father is in the dying process. Our thoughts and love remain with Christina, and her 7-year-old Zahir.
Many condolences to Judy Leaver, whose dear friend Roger died on Tuesday after a very short time in home hospice care. Roger had been in several months of cancer treatment in Tampa, and Judy was caring for cats and home of Roger & Tessa in Naples. Love to Judy, who is now in Portugal and Spain, and to Tessa mourning a rapid decline and loss.