Adult Spiritual Development

Join us on a lifelong journey to deepen our connections to the sacred.

Very early, I knew that the only object in life was to grow.
—Margaret Fuller

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Programs We Offer

Roots and Wings
Reflect on your personal spiritual journey, explore Unitarian Universalism, and consider how to become more involved at the church.
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Intro to Anti-Racism for White People
Develop relationships of mutual accountability with fellow white folks while building resilience to dismantle racism.
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American Unitarian History and Theology
Explore the development of American Unitarianism during the 19th Century.
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Happy Will The Journey Be
An intro to Playback Theater, an improvisational theater technique, practicing flexibility and spontaneity in problem-solving and action.
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UU Theology: Do UUs Pray?
How? Explore our individual histories with prayer and talk about the many forms that prayer can take.
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Transformative Justice
Build skills for conflict transformation, hosted by the Committee on Right Relations.
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About Core Connections

The Core Connections Ministry offers a variety of opportunities for All Souls congregants (including brand new folks, longtime members, and everyone in between) to be honest and real with each other.

Participating in the Core Connections Ministry is a great way to help All Souls achieve its goal to

“Become a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-generational spiritual community that is grounded in authentic relationships, trust, and belonging.”

—All Souls Church Goals

Upcoming Classes

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Structure and Leadership

Conceived of in January 2023, Core Connections has significant initial and ongoing support from Minister of Social Justice Rob Keithan, the 8th Principle Advisory Team, and the Committee on Right Relations.

Since Fall 2023, the Adult Spiritual Development Committee (ASD) has taken the lead in guiding the Core Connections Ministry.

Overall Goals

Transformative relationship-building. Creating a congregational culture where people are willing to be honest and real with each other, to lean into messiness and be uncomfortable. And to care for each other!    

Spiritual grounding and identity development. Sharing individual stories and connecting to All Souls story/stories.  Deepening spiritual connections with ourselves, our church, and our faith.

8th Principle and justice-centered leadership development to promote liberation both within and beyond the church.  

Holistic, collaborative approach to encouraging connection and coherence between different ministries in the church through this.