Lectio Divina: A UU Twist

Lectio Divina is an ancient spiritual practice used by monks since approximately c.400. It literally means “divine reading.” For monks it is a contemplative and prayerful way to reflect on the scripture and to have conversation with God.

Many UUs talk about scripture or sacred text as continually evolving as we live our journeys—the sacred text of those journeys. This 90-minute guided practice will include reading a sacred text (poetry), individual and shared reflection, and, finally listening for common themes. We will be both draw from and add to the sacred text of the poem.

We will be together for 90 minutes. All you need bring is something to write with and write on. I suggest you write by hand (it slows us down to a more contemplative pace), but that is up to you. And, if you would like to bring a chalice, please do.

Facilitator: Michael Milano

Log in on Zoom.


Mar 23 2022


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

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